I've been preoccupied to write anything lately and feel slightly disappointed in myself. This blog has taught me some things about myself. Not via the things I write, but rather what I do not write. Or what I choose to leave unpublished.
Last week, dear reader, You were spared of my rant fueled by social justice and arrogant (?) worldsavingplans. I started the same text three times about the same subject but could not get myself to finish it. I was mostly annoyed by the way I chose to write. See, I have little respect for bad online commentators. This makes me extremely critical of my own online opinions.
For this, I am surprised at how many online discussions I have engaged in on Facebook, Helsingin Sanomat, you name it. As I rarely do this, I wonder if studying abroad somehow has affected me. Because I only argue about stuff currently happening in Finland. I do however only comment on stuff I know something about, and can say I have more to give than just a bleeding heart.
I crave good argumentation. I do not feel a discussion needs to end in one party 'winning the argument'. For me, the most important is that each party gets their point through in an adult, and logical manner. The 'truth' should be determined by yourself only. If someone convinces you to think differently then you might have learned something new. But most people forget that arguments are not the same as convincing the other that you are right. It's supposed to be an opportunity for each to explore every aspect to a matter and possibly find common ground. There is not always a common ground. And that is okay.
Post-modernists have argued that all should be perceived reflexively. This means that everything should be questioned. Everything is political. There is no 'truth'. You just have to keep on to your best sources and hope you are well-informed.
Global warming. It's man-made. But one might also say that we've only measured the climate for a billionth of the earth's existence, so can we really prove the globe is warming? I do know where I stand on this issue, but if someone else does not, I cannot blame them! Humankind is dependent of science, but it is strictly political which voice is correct, yo!
These issues hindered me from writing my blog-text last week. I was appalled by a discussion program that was broadcast last week. I know exactly what went wrong in the program, as non-white people were racialized by many participants and the journalists did not problematise any statements made by either party of the panel. Yet I held my rant for myself mostly because I did not feel i had the energy or the will to write the umphteenth blog-rant about these issues. I assure you, the social media was filled with these the next day. I do not have the best answers to these questions, and I leave them to the smarter people. My wish is that I one day am an expert of some kind on issues (I dunno, culture, urban politics, whatever job I get eventually) and that day I will actively write blogs about these issues and try to provide some answers.
My point is, I avoid doing any holier-than-thou-statements online as long as I do not have concrete answers to give. I can go on about the right and wrongs with my (bleeding) heart, but what do I achieve by fighting an illitertae redneck online? To all internet commentators I wish they would take their time to try to understand the opposing part. Left, right, liberal, conservative, marvel, dc, apples, oranges, whatever. Things do not need to be polarized and labelled.
Phuh.. a text about nothing but random thoughts. Hopefully it gave you something. At least I got to let out steam. I will one day maybe, provide You with actual pictures and just updates on my life in Lufbra. Writing a normal journal just proves to hard for me. Anyway, in a couple of weeks I will probably travel a bit, so maybe you'll get sunny pics of buildings and food then.
All of my love to all! Peace
And just to make it clear: 'illitertae redneck' was a joke. I know how to spell-check illiterate. Not on whatsapp thou..
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